Members Booklet


Welcome to the Aldridge Shed.(referred to as the shed)

The Shed opened its doors in June 2016 and began its steady growth, becoming a charity (CIO) in September 2017, Its primary aim to be to help reduce loneliness and social isolation in the local, predominantly older population.

The Shed is a member influenced organisation, operated by the charity trustees and steering committee. Committee meetings are held every two months, and all are welcome to attend. Member suggestions and input is encouraged.

Our goal is to provide a safe, warm, secure place for likeminded people to meet and engage in meaningful activity, where members can carry out personal and joint projects and can also get involved with builds for other local community organisations. The choice is theirs; no obligation is placed on the individual to do anything they don’t wish to.

Other than the instruction in the safe use of tools, which everyone is required to complete no training is provided, however we are generally a friendly group and often offer advice or help to one another, though no one is compelled or required to help anyone else. Your project is your project.


We have an extensively kitted out woodworking workshop and sanding room, along with a small clean room for carrying out handicrafts. Outside is a concrete garage, currently used as a wood store.

A kitchen area is available for tea and coffee making, along with the frequently empty biscuit barrel and whereas these are free to use a donation box is provided to help with the costs.

Male and female toilets are situated in the foyer.

Alrewych court (whom we pay our rent to) also run a lunchtime canteen for all to use and this is available directly from the workshop.

No projects are to be left at the shed and should be removed at the end of the day, the exception being that a project requires time to set ie. Glue, resin, varnish etc in this case the member needs to arrange for the collection of the item at the earliest opportunity.

Any items left that are used by someone else is the fault of the person leaving said item and no recourse can be sought from either the user or the shed. It is your responsibility to remove them.

Unless otherwise determined the timber and timber products in the garage are for the sole use of members. At present no charge is made for softwood or sheet material, though reasonable use should be followed. Hardwood is charged for by the pound weight.


All new members are required to complete a membership form and pay the lifetime membership fee.

On your first attendance a one-month trial period starts. The reasons for this are twofold.

  1. It gives you time to assess whether you feel the shed is right for you.
  2. It gives the committee time to assess the same.

Should either you or the committee decide that the shed is not for you, your membership will be cancelled, and your membership fee will be returned.

If everyone is happy then after the trial period, your full membership will start.

Whereas we try to accommodate all members, including those with additional needs, we are governed by the size of the facility and no alterations can be made that places other members in danger or at a disadvantage in using the Sheds facilities.

Anyone requiring a carer is welcome, but the carer must always remain present.

Good conduct is the responsibility of all members and failure to act or behave in a responsible manner will result in the committee issuing either a verbal warning or suspension from the Shed either temporarily or permanently. In each case the committee will investigate all instances thoroughly and their decision is final.

Any complaints should be raised with a committee member or put in writing in the suggestion box. The committee will then discuss the matter as soon as is practicable and you will be advised as to the outcome in due course.

Health and Safety

Your safety is your responsibility.

Everyones safety is your responsibility.

All members should make themselves familiar with the safe use of woodworking machines. As per the UK HSE website.

Please read and take on the safety aspects of using woodworking machines. When used incorrectly they bite and it can be painful, even lethal.

Before anyone is allowed to use a woodworking machine, they must be shown the safe use of that machine by a competent person (committee member) and signed off as competent to use that machine.

You must not use any machines you have not been cleared for, even if you have experience of this machine.

A minimum of two people must be present for any machines to be used.

Do not distract anyone while they are using a machine.

If you see someone using a machine incorrectly, stop them and make them aware of the correct use as per the HSE. This is the duty of all members.

All machines are equipped with dust extractors, and they must be used at all times. Air filters are in operation throughout the session time.

Before you leave make sure you have fully cleaned up after yourself including vacuuming your work area if necessary. All tools to be returned to their appropriate place.

Please leave the Shed as you would wish to find it.

Personal Protection equipment (PPE)

Some PPE is available but it is the responsibility of the individual to provide themselves with the appropriate equipment.

Dust mask

Noise cancelling equipment

Eye protection

Disposable gloves

Closed toe footwear

Hazardous substances

All hazardous materials, paints, stains, solvents etc are stored in the yellow fronted cabinet located in the small bathroom off the sanding room. The door to the bathroom should be kept closed at all times it is not in use. The cabinet door should also be kept closed once your selected item has been removed. Once you are finished using the hazardous item it should be immediately returned to the cabinet and the door closed.

Used rags, paper towels etc should be disposed of in the bin provided which should be emptied at the end of each day.

First aid

Minor injuries such as small cuts etc can be dealt with using the first aid kit located in the kitchen area.

In the event of more serious injuries the appropriate services should be called immediately.

All incidents should be recorded in the accident book located on the notice board in the foyer.

A defibrillator is located on the front of the building near to the main entrance.

Damage to equipment

Minor breakages occur and unless they occur to you on a regular basis due to misuse no financial recourse will be sought. (Though much mocking may ensue)

Any equipment damaged either wilfully or by severe misuse/disrespect (Perhaps)? may result in you being asked for payment towards repair or replacement of that equipment.


The fee structure is as follows (circa January 2024)

Membership (lifetime) £25.00

Session fees (per session or part thereof) £4.00

                                Or (per month) £35.00

                                Or ( per annum) £400.00             

These fees can change from time to time and members will be given 30 days’ notice.

Members claiming in-work means tested benefits should speak to a committee member and fees may be waived. This is dealt with on an individual basis.          

Shed merchandise         

t-shirts, polo shirt and fleeces with the shed logo on them can be purchased.


Parking is available on the car park though it should be noted that residents of Alrewych court have precedence. In the event of the car park being full, parking is available in the road opposite the shed.

Contact Info

Address:  Aldridge shed C/O Alrewych Court, 220 Northgate, Aldridge, WS9 8AF



Facebook: Aldridge Shed